# Sticky processes When handling multi-process concurrency, your operative system (or more specifically, its process scheduler) will effectively distribute the workload between processes at its best. But, when looking for maximum performance, we may want to prevent two actors from running in the same CPU thread, share processing time. Thanks to the awesome [psutil][psutil] library we can do this simply by selecting an specific CPU core per process. Example: ```python import psutil import uactor class StickyActor(uactor.Actor): def __init__(self, core): # Stick our current actor process to a core psutil.Process().cpu_affinity([core]) # Initialize one actor per CPU core actors = [ StickyActor(core) for core in range(psutil.cpu_count()) ] ``` This pattern fits very well into [actor pools](./pool.md) for better distributing workloads. [psutil]: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil