
uActor module.

uactor.DEFAULT_SERIALIZER = 'pickle'

Default multiprocessing.managers serializer name for uactor.

New in version 0.1.1.

exception uactor.UActorException[source]

Bases: Exception

Base exception for uactor module.

New in version 0.1.0.

exception uactor.ProxyError[source]

Bases: uactor.UActorException

Exception for errors on proxy logic.

New in version 0.1.0.

exception uactor.AuthkeyError[source]

Bases: uactor.ProxyError

Exception raised when connecting to proxy with invalid authkey.

New in version 0.1.1.

class uactor.BaseProxy(token, serializer, manager=None, authkey=None, exposed=None, incref=True, manager_owned=False)[source]

Bases: multiprocessing.managers.BaseProxy

Base Proxy class.

This class implements a few workarounds around bugs found in multiprocessing.managers.BaseProxy by preventing BaseProxy._manager from getting lost on both unserialization and process forking by recreating it on demand.

New in version 0.1.0.

class uactor.ActorManager(address: Optional[Union[Tuple[str, int], str, bytes, int]] = None, authkey: Optional[bytes] = None, serializer: str = 'pickle', *args, parent: Optional[uactor.ActorManager] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager

Multiprocessing manager for uactor.

New in version 0.1.0.

classmethod typeids() → Tuple[str, ][source]

Get tuple of typeid of all registered proxies.

property process

Get remote actor process if owned by this manager.

start(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Start manager process.


Connect to manager process.


AuthkeyError – on actor process authkey rejection.

class uactor.ActorProxy(token, serializer, manager=None, authkey=None, exposed=None, incref=True, manager_owned=False)[source]

Bases: uactor.BaseProxy

Actor proxy base class.

Actors will inherit from this class to create custom implementations based on their declared configuration and interface.

New in version 0.1.0.

property connection_address

Get connection address to Actor process.

New in version 0.1.1.

__enter__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Call Actor.__enter__() method.

__exit__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Call Actor.__exit__() method.

When this proxy is the direct result from instancing the Actor class, calling this method will also result on Actor.shutdown() being called, finishing the actor process (like when calling ActorProxy.shutdown()).


Call Actor.shutdown() method.

When the current process is responsible of initializing the actor, calling this method will also finish the actor process.

class uactor.Actor(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Actor base class for actor implementations to inherit from.

An actor represents a processing unit. During instantiation, a new actor process is be started, and the corresponding proxy is returned.

Actors also implement the context manager interface, and you can override both Actor.__enter__() and Actor.__exit__() to implement your own logic, but keep in mind they’re both specially handled and calling ActorProxy.__exit__() will also terminate the process (just like calling ActorProxy.shutdown()).

New in version 0.1.0.


ActorManager subclass used to initialize the actor process.

Whatever is defined here, will be subclassed during actor class initialization to apply the declared actor configuration.

alias of uactor.ActorManager


ActorProxy subclass used to initialize the actor proxy.

Whatever is defined here, will be subclassed during actor class initialization to apply the declared actor configuration.

alias of uactor.ActorProxy

_options_: Mapping[str, Any] = {}

Option dict will be passed to Actor.manager_class.

This options mapping is passed to Actor.manager_class during Actor instantiation.

_exposed_: Optional[Tuple[str]] = ('__enter__', '__exit__', 'shutdown')

tuple containing then list of method/properties will be exposed.

Class inheritance will be honored when using this attribute.

_proxies_: Mapping[str, Type[uactor.BaseProxy]] = {'Array': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Array]'>, 'AsyncResult': functools.partial(<function rebuild_autoproxy>, proxytype=<function AutoProxy>), 'Barrier': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Barrier]'>, 'BoundedSemaphore': <class 'uactor.Proxy[BoundedSemaphore]'>, 'Condition': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Condition]'>, 'Event': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Event]'>, 'Iterator': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Iterator]'>, 'JoinableQueue': functools.partial(<function rebuild_autoproxy>, proxytype=<function AutoProxy>), 'Lock': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Lock]'>, 'Namespace': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Namespace]'>, 'Pool': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Pool]'>, 'Queue': functools.partial(<function rebuild_autoproxy>, proxytype=<function AutoProxy>), 'RLock': <class 'uactor.Proxy[RLock]'>, 'Semaphore': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Semaphore]'>, 'Value': <class 'uactor.Proxy[Value]'>, 'auto': functools.partial(<function rebuild_autoproxy>, proxytype=<function AutoProxy>), 'dict': <class 'uactor.Proxy[dict]'>, 'list': <class 'uactor.Proxy[list]'>}

Proxy dict of typeid keys and BaseProxy values.

Proxies defined here will be registered at Actor.manager_class and will be made available from within the actor process.

_method_to_typeid_: Mapping[str, str] = {'__enter__': 'actor'}

Configuration dict of method name keys and typeid values.

Including a method with an typeid here will result on the corresponding proxy to be returned when called from an ActorProxy instance.

__enter__() → TActor[source]

Enter context, return actor proxy.

__exit__(exc_type: Type[Exception], exc_val: Exception, exc_tb: traceback) → Optional[bool][source]

Leave context.

Method uactor.Actor.shutdown() will be called after this one when the context manager interface is used on the owner process.


Perform shutdown work before the process dies (stub).

This method will be called by explicit ActorProxy.shutdown() calls, even if no real process shutdown is involved (ie. with remote proxy connections), enabling implementing remote shutdown logic here (ie. breaking a mainloop).

This method will be also called after Actor.__exit__() when the owner process uses the ActorProxy context manager interface.

classmethod connect(address: Union[Tuple[str, int], str, bytes, int], authkey: bytes, serializer: str = 'pickle', capture: Sequence[Union[Tuple[str, int], str, bytes, int]] = ()) → TActorProxy[source]

Get actor proxy instance connected to address.

  • address – actor process connection address

  • authkey – authentication secret key

  • serializer – serializer name

  • capture – iterable of additional addresses will be handled with this connection.

New in version 0.1.1.

uactor.proxy(value: Any, typeid: str = 'auto', serializer: str = 'pickle')uactor.BaseProxy[source]

Create serialized proxy from given value and typeid (defaults to auto).

This function can be only used from inside the actor process.

New in version 0.1.0.

uactor.typeid(proxy: uactor.BaseProxy)str[source]

Get typeid from given proxy object.

New in version 0.1.0.